Benny the Beaver and the Messy Lodge: A Story About Tidiness
Once upon a time, in a babbling brook surrounded by lush green trees lived a hardworking young beaver named Benny. Benny had sleek, brown fur,
a broad, flat tail, and a pair of strong incisors that could chomp through wood with impressive ease. Benny loved to explore the brook, swimming from log to log, collecting interesting twigs, shiny pebbles, and anything else that sparked his curiosity.
One crisp morning, Benny paddled out of his lodge, a woven basket clutched in his teeth. ‘‘Today’s an adventure day!’’ he declared to the dragonflies flitting around him. He dived down to the streambed, filling his basket with smooth, colorful stones. Then, he navigated through a maze of reeds, collecting fallen feathers from a blue jay’s nest. By lunchtime, Benny’s basket overflowed with treasures!
He swam back to his lodge, eager to show Mama Beaver. But when he stepped inside his room, his smile vanished in shame. He hadn’t cleaned his room for weeks! Toys and tools were scattered everywhere! Blocks built a wobbly tower beside a half-finished drawing and art supplies. Branches and brushes were scattered all over the wooden floor. Some feathers and a stack of chewed logs sat neglected under a pile of colorful pebbles.
‘‘Oh dear,’’ Benny sighed. His lodge looked like a current had swept through! He plopped down with a thud on his broad tail, feeling overwhelmed. Just then, Mama Beaver walked in, carrying a load of fresh willow branches. Her whiskers twitched when she saw the mess and Benny with his basket of even more stuff that would easily end up on the floor.
“Benny, what’s happening here?’’ she asked gently.
Benny gestured to his overflowing basket. ‘‘I found these treasures, Mama! Stones, feathers, shiny things!’’
Mama Beaver smiled. ‘‘That’s wonderful, Benny! You always find the most fascinating things. But look at your lodge. It’s hard to enjoy your treasures when everything is messy. Don’t you think it’s time to clean it up?’’
Benny and his mum sang a silly song while they were tidying up. Is there a song that you like to sing while tidying up? Do you have a special place
to keep your toys? (This question encourages readers to think about their own storage spaces and create a fun routine for putting things away.)