Brodie the Bear’s Brag and the Bridge to Forgiveness: A Story About Apologizing
In a cozy den nestled amongst towering pines lived Brodie, a playful brown bear cub. With fur as soft as moss and a smile as bright as a sunflower, Brodie loved exploring the forest with his little sister, Bridie. Bridie, with her curious brown eyes and boundless energy, was always up for an adventure. Together, they climbed trees, splashed in the cool stream, and pretended to be brave adventurers.
One sunny morning, Brodie and Bridie were building a magnificent wooden fort in the forest. Brodie, feeling particularly proud of his creation, puffed
out his chest. ‘‘See, Bridie?’’ he declared. ‘‘My part of the fort is better than yours! Yours is just bad!’’
Bridie crouched amongst the leaves and tilted her head with a thoughtful frown. ‘‘Hey, that’s not very nice,’’ she said politely. ‘‘I think our fort is pretty amazing because we built it together.

Yours might be different, but I like my part just the way it is.’’ Brodie’s smile faltered. He hadn’t thought about it that way. He just wanted to boast about his building skills. An uncomfortable feeling bubbled up inside him. He wanted to take back his words, but pride held him back.
Ignoring Bridie’s comment, he continued, ‘‘I bet I can climb the tallest tree in the whole forest! You wouldn’t even dare because you’re always scared!’’
Bridie’s frown deepened. ‘‘Your words are rude, Brodie,’’ she said quietly. ‘‘Climbing isn’t a competition. We can both enjoy climbing trees at our own pace.’’
Brodie, now feeling hot and grumpy, stomped his little bear feet. ‘‘Whatever, I don’t care what you think,’’ he mumbled, turning his back on his sister.
Bridie, hurt by Brodie’s words, sat down on a nearby rock, her ears drooping. She loved climbing trees with Brodie, sharing stories and giggles amongst the leaves. Brodie, usually so much fun, was acting mean today.
Brodie continued building the fort, but his heart wasn’t in it anymore. He kept glancing at Bridie, seeing her sad face. A pang of guilt twisted inside him. He hadn’t meant to hurt her feelings, but his silly boasting had made her sad.
Suddenly, Mommy Bear lumbered into the clearing, bringing a basket full of berries to her hard-working cubs.
Just like Brodie, have you ever accidentally done or said something rude to a friend or sibling? How did you feel afterward? How did they react? Did you apologize? (This question helps readers relate to Brodie’s initial mistake and prompts them to reflect on their own ability to recognize one’s emotions and apologize.)