Sammy the Squirrel and the Empty Satchel: A Story About Lying

Sammy the squirrel was a busy little guy. He loved to scamper through the trees, gathering plump acorns and nuts. One crisp autumn day, Sammy was particularly excited. He had discovered a hidden patch of the biggest, roundest hazelnuts he’d ever seen! He filled his satchel to the brim, barely able to lift it. He could almost taste the sweet, nutty goodness through his furry cheeks. His mama would be proud of him, he thought to himself. Suddenly, Sammy spotted his friend, Fiona the fox. Fiona was dragging a heavy log. ‘‘Hi Fiona!’’ chirped Sammy. ‘‘Where are you taking that?’’

Fiona sighed. ‘‘It’s for my mum,’’ she explained. ‘‘She needs it to build a warm den
for the winter, but it’s so heavy, and I’m feeling so hungry!’’

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Sammy, feeling generous, said, ‘‘Don’t worry, Fiona! I can help! I have some extra hazelnuts that could help you feel stronger! And I’ll help you carry it. I’m strong for my size, see?’’ He puffed out his chest, sending a few hazelnuts tumbling out of his satchel.
Fiona smiled. ‘‘That would be amazing, Sammy! Thank you!’’ Together, they dragged the log, Sammy scurrying in front, using all his might. As the log was very heavy and they needed energy, they nibbled on some of the hazelnuts that Sammy had collected.
Finally, they reached Fiona’s cozy den. Fiona’s mum was overjoyed. ‘‘Thank you both so much!’’ she exclaimed. ‘‘You’ve saved the day!’’
Fiona beamed with pride, but Sammy felt a pang of worry. He peeked at his satchel – it was almost empty! He had only a few tiny hazelnuts left. His mama would be so disappointed! Tears welled up in his eyes.
Fiona noticed and nudged him gently. ‘‘What’s wrong, Sammy?’’
Sammy sniffled. ‘‘I... I spent most of my hazelnuts while I was helping you, and now I don’t have enough to give to my mama for the winter!’’
Fiona looked thoughtful for a moment; then, a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes.
‘‘Follow me!’’ she said, leading Sammy deeper into the forest. They arrived at a giant oak tree, its branches laden with plump acorns. Fiona pointed to a hole filled with dozens of acorns. ‘‘This is my mum’s secret stash!’’
Sammy hesitated; he didn’t feel comfortable taking something that wasn’t his.
‘‘But it’s not ours to take,’’ he squeaked.
Fiona grinned. ‘‘We can just borrow a few. You can tell your mama there were no more hazelnuts in the woods!’’
Sammy wasn’t sure. He had never lied to anyone before, and he didn’t like the idea of doing something wrong, but the thought of his mama seeing him back with an empty satchel was causing him to worry.



Sammy felt pressure to do something that his friend had suggested, even though he thought it was wrong. Have you ever done something with
your friends that you weren’t comfortable with just because your friend suggested it? How did it make you feel? (This question encourages readers
to share their moments of weakness in a safe and accepting environment and reflect on the associated emotions.)

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